eC2: Baseline Study on Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management for Vientiane and Pakxan Cities, LAO PDR.

Deadline:   29-Apr-2021 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)Bangladeshi villagers repair a vital flood-protecting embankment

The Government of Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (GoL), with financing from the World Banks International Development Association (IDA), is implementing the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (PDR) Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management (SEA DRM) Project with Additional Financing. The Project adopts a comprehensive approach to DRM through activities in target areas related to urban flood risk management, hydromet modernization and early warning systems, and financial preparedness.

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eC2: Diagnostic studies and advisory services to support Lao PDR to improve solid waste and plastics management

Deadline: 19-Nov-2019 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.) solid waste

A. Diagnostic surveys on plastic waste sources, quantities, types and brands, and impacts
B.Assessment of innovative technologies and private sector solutions for waste and pollution monitoring
C. Survey of product alternatives for top 10 priority plastic item
D. Microeconomic assessment to change waste burning behavior
E.Support development of GOLs National Plastics Management Roadmap
F.Assessment of solid and plastic waste management priorities, investment and policy options and requirements.

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eC2: Financing Options Analysis for the ASEAN Rolling Pipeline of Priority Infrastructure Projects

Deadline: 31-Dec-2018 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)

To enhance connectivity and attract more public and private investments for

modern city with highway interchangeinfrastructure in ASEAN, MPAC 2025 recommended the establishment of a rolling priority pipeline list of potential ASEAN infrastructure projects and sources of funds.

The Initial Pipeline consists of 16-20 projects submitted by the ASEAN Member States and selected and prioritized by the World Bank based on a screening and scoring process assessing key project factors such as strategic relevance, impact on regional connectivity, environmental and social impact, project feasibility, and the contracting agency’s implementation capacity.

In the next phase, the World Bank will undertake a financing options analysis of each of the projects in the Initial Pipeline to determine the best procurement option for the project i.e., to determine whether the project should be publicly funded, privately financed or funded/financed through a Public Private Partnership. Where a project already has a robust and recently conducted pre-feasibility or feasibility study, the information and data required to undertake such analysis should already be available. However, for those projects that do not have such a study available, it will be necessary to undertake the relevant studies and review.

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eC2: Small Hydropower Mapping in Lao

Deadline: 18-Apr-2017 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)

The World Bank (WB) is initiating a new technical assistance activity focused on Renewable esmapEnergy Resource Mapping in Laos, with funding from the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). The initial focus will be on small hydro mapping, with other components potentially added in the future depending on funding availability and client demand.

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eC2:East Asia and Pacific (EAP) Comparative Study of the Legal and Institutional Frameworks for Dam Safety and Disaster Resilience

Deadline: 18-Sep-2016 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)HYDRO

The WBG is currently carrying out a Global Comparative Study of the Legal and Institutional Frameworks for Dam Safety (P156243). The aim is to better understand the legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks to manage and assure safety of communities downstream of dams in various global country contexts. A Global Coordinating Consultant has been appointed under the parent project and is facilitating the compilation of the global case studies based on a pro forma template.

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eConsultant 2: Flood Risk Assessment in South East Asia

Deadline: 27-Jan-2016 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)

This assignment is to develop a multi-country flood hazard and risk model for a quick waterresponse financing mechanism and pricing for market-based parametric financial instruments. The model may utilize a combination of various data sources, such as historical flood and rainfall data, to underpin a rapid flood assessment methodology that triggers payouts when the event is more severe than a pre-defined threshold. The extent of an event that may trigger a payout should be measured by real-time data sources, such as satellite-based rainfall data, satellite-based flood data, rainfall gauges and river discharge gauges. The severity of an event may be measured by the population or other exposure in the flood footprint. Continue reading

eConsultant2: International STC to support Lao PDR Nam Ou River Basin Profile Development and Training

IFC seeks to recruit a short term international consultant to support their Environmental and Social Hydropower Advisory Services Program in Lao PDR. The assignment aims to provide capacity building and training through the development and production of a river basin profile for the Nam Ou River Basin. The production of the river basin profile will be undertaken in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), Provincial Natural Resources and Environment Offices (PONRE), District Natural Resources and Environment Offices (DONRE) in the provinces of Phongsaly, Oudomxay and Luang Prabang and IFC (constituting the Core Team) as well as other relevant stakeholders where required.

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Lao PDR Health Governance and Nutrition Development Project

Lao PDR has made steady and significant progress on key population health outcomes over the past few decades. Life expectancy has increased to almost 68 years in 2012, up from 49 years in 1980. The mortality rate for children under the age of five has also declined significantly over the same period: from 201 per 1,000 live births in 1980 to 71 in 2013. Notable progress has been made in improving maternal health, with maternal mortality decreasing from 1,600 per 100,000 live births in 1990 to 220 in 2013. The total fertility rate has also declined steadily from an estimated 6.0 births per woman in 1990 to 3.2 in 2013.
The gains in nutrition have been smaller. In Lao PDR, 44 per cent of children under five years of age (around 417,000) are stunted (low height for age), 27 per cent are underweight and 6 per cent are wasted (low weight for height).
Given this background, on Tuesday June 23, the World Bank Board of Directors is considering the Lao PDR Health Governance and Nutrition Development Project. The project involves a total World Bank grant and credit of $26.4 million.

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Impact Evaluation of grid-based rural electrification program in Lao PDR – Global Status of Energy Access Report (SEAR)

See full tender here: #1183180 Impact Evaluation of grid-based rural electrification program in Lao

Expression of Interest Deadline: 04-Jun-2015 at 11:59:59 PM (EST)

eConsultant2 website:

Tender notification: # 1183180

Assignment Countries:

• LA – Lao People’s Democratic Republic