eC2: Financing Options Analysis for the ASEAN Rolling Pipeline of Priority Infrastructure Projects

Deadline: 31-Dec-2018 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)

To enhance connectivity and attract more public and private investments for

modern city with highway interchangeinfrastructure in ASEAN, MPAC 2025 recommended the establishment of a rolling priority pipeline list of potential ASEAN infrastructure projects and sources of funds.

The Initial Pipeline consists of 16-20 projects submitted by the ASEAN Member States and selected and prioritized by the World Bank based on a screening and scoring process assessing key project factors such as strategic relevance, impact on regional connectivity, environmental and social impact, project feasibility, and the contracting agency’s implementation capacity.

In the next phase, the World Bank will undertake a financing options analysis of each of the projects in the Initial Pipeline to determine the best procurement option for the project i.e., to determine whether the project should be publicly funded, privately financed or funded/financed through a Public Private Partnership. Where a project already has a robust and recently conducted pre-feasibility or feasibility study, the information and data required to undertake such analysis should already be available. However, for those projects that do not have such a study available, it will be necessary to undertake the relevant studies and review.

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eC2: Development of Disaster Risk Finance Analytics Freeware Quantitative Tools

Deadline: 18-Dec-2018 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)

The DRFIP is undertaking a four-year DRF Analytics Project to improve the colombo2understanding and to increase the capacity of governments to take informed decisions on DRF based on sound financial analysis. The objective of the project will be achieved through four outcomes:
i. Governments understand their financial risk related to natural disasters;
ii. Governments employ efficient financial/actuarial analysis, such as cost-benefit analyses, in the development of DRF strategies;
iii. Improved financial capacity to meet financial needs immediately following natural disasters; and
iv. Increased capacity in Governments to monitor and evaluate DRF strategies. Under this project a suite of interactive DRF quantitative tools will be developed which can be adapted and applied to support capacity building and decision making in countries.

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The World Bank Group, other than providing IDA & IBRD financing to borInternational_Finance_Corporation_Logorowing governments, also has three other pillars. These are the IFC, MIGA and the ICSID. The activities by the MIGA were explained in an earlier post, in this article we are focusing on the International Finance Corporation ( IFC ), the private sector pillar of the WBG. For the first time in the history of the World Bank Group the IFC was the pillar with the biggest budget, financing for more than $22 billion in fiscal year 2014.

The IFC provides financial support through loans and equity financing to its clients and additionally provide advice to unlock private sector investment. For a project to be eligible for IFC support a number of criteria must be met. The project must be located in a developing country that is a member of the IFC, active in the private sector, be technically sound, have good prospects of being profitable, benefit the local economy and satisfy environmental and social standards.

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