eC2: DRC Resilience Program Impact Evaluation Baseline

Deadline: 17-Aug-2020 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)Survey

DIME is hiring a survey firm with experience in collecting impact evaluation survey data in Eastern DRC. The selected firm will be responsible for implementing an Impact Evaluation baseline survey in the North and South Kivu provinces of the country. The survey firm will be traveling to an estimated 100 villages and will be collecting data across approximately 1500 households, including data on their demographics, economic and social characteristics, food security, and other resilience related outcomes. The survey is expected to start in September 2020 provided COVID-19 guidelines are respected.

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COVID-19 in fragile settings: Ensuring a conflict-sensitive response

Violent conflict often exacerbates the spread of infectious diseases , as seen in the recent resurgence of polio in Syria, cholera outbreaks in the conflict zones in Yemen, and the persistence of Ebola in insecure eastern regions of the Democratic Republicdrc-ebola-2 of Congo (DRC). Between 2009 and 2017, in fact, there were 364 disease outbreaks in 108 refugee camps. Fragility and conflict reverse hard-won development gains and stunt opportunities for children, youth, and the poorest people. In the process, they deeply weaken health systems, leaving societies more vulnerable to disease outbreaks.

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eC2: Support Services Piloting of Forest Tenure Assessment Tool in Zambia, Myanmar, and DRC

Deadline: 20-Jun-2019 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)

The services to be provided under this contract include technical support the World across-africa-disaster-risk-finance-is-putting-a-resilient-future-within-reach-780x439Bank to implement the second phase of the program on Securing Forest Tenure Rights for Rural Development (SFT). The overall objective of this phase is to test and refine a forest tenure assessment toll and its methodologies to make it practical, adaptable to different contexts, and demonstrate it can achieve traction in policy discussions. Phase 2 will be implemented as a step-wise collaborative process, in close coordination with country task teams and local consultants, supported by a SFT central task team.

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Illicit trafficking and conflict: A chicken-and-egg situation?

scanner_780Transnational organized crime (TOC) is a widespread phenomenon that leaves no region untouched. Illegal trafficking—TOC’s most lucrative manifestation—has taken multiple forms, ranging from the most traditional trade in narcotics and weapons to smuggling counterfeited medicines and endangered wildlife. As these illicit flows cut across multiple national borders, they become interconnected with local security, political, social, and economic dynamics. At times, they are so embedded that the line between licit and illicit is significantly blurred. The same applies when TOC intersects with conflict situations.

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eC2: Mapping and prioritization of hydropower resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo

HYDRODeadline: 10-Jun-2018 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)

The objective of this activity is to inform the Government of DRC (GoDRC)s plan to develop its vast and untapped hydropower resources. The activity will (i) assess and map geospatially DRCs hydropower resources; (ii) rank small, medium, and large green field hydropower sites based on technical and economic considerations; (iii) provide narrowed/priority lists of sites by category, with a focus on mid-size sites (10 100 MW), and based on multi-criteria analysis jointly identified with the Government and the World Bank; (iv) provide in-country advice and training to enable stakeholders to participate in the production, maintenance and future enrichment of the database and related information created and (v) offer practical advice for implementation of priority site development. The priority lists and implementation advice will form practical guidance based on which the GoDRC will launch prefeasibility or feasibility studies of selected medium size hydropower sites funded separately under IDA resources.
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eC2:Technical Assistance for the Implementation of the Project Strengthening Hydro-Meteorological and Early Warning Services

HYDRODeadline:  03-Apr-2018 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)

Objective:  Under the supervision of the Project Coordinator (the Director General of MettelSat) and the World Banks Task Team,, and in liaison with the technical teams of MettelSat and the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), the Consultant, Technical Assistance Firm, will support MettelSat and its beneficiaries to implement the project, under the best market conditions and in compliance with international standards, both in terms of institutional strengthening and training, advisory service for infrastructure systems development and service delivery to specific sectors, namely disaster risk management (through Early Warning Systems), transportation (fluvial navigation and aviation), agriculture and food security.

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eC2: Open Cities Participatory Mapping in Kinshasa

Deadline:  29-Mar-2018 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)jhb

Objective: Open Cities Africa will be carried out in 8-10 cities in Sub-Saharan Africa, to engage local government, civil society, and the private sector to develop the information infrastructures necessary to meet 21st century urban resilience challenges. Each project will: 1) Create and release open spatial data about the built environment, critical infrastructure, and natural hazards; 2) Develop targeted products and/or tools to assist key stakeholders to utilize risk information towards addressing natural disaster risk in the selected city; 3) Enhance the local capacity and institutional development necessary to support the design and implementation of evidence-driven urban resilience interventions; and  4) Promote peer mentorship and build regional networks across cities.

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eC2: Study of Health Financing in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Deadline: 19-Mar-2018 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.) medical-appointment-doctor-healthcare-clinic-health-hospital-medicine[7]

Objective:  A la demande du Ministère de la Santé Publique et en coordination avec le Ministère des Finances, une étude sur le financement de la santé en RDC sera menée pour appuyer la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de financement. Cette étude vise à présenter les principaux défis et opportunités de la RDC en matière de mobilisation des ressources, de mise en commun et dachat de services pour la santé, dans une perspective de maximisation de lefficience et dune plus grande équité dans le financement, afin datteindre la couverture de santé universelle. Les résultats de cette étude devront apporter des éléments permettant dappuyer la prise de décision pour la réforme du système de financement de la santé, compte tenu des défis et opportunités identifiés et des perspectives à court et moyen termes.
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After 20 Years of Isolation, Congolese Cities and Urban Centers Experience a Revival

STORY HIGHLIGHTScd-reconnecting-cities-and-conurbations-isolated-for-more-than-20-years-feature-780x439

  • Much of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s vast territory is poorly connected.
  • For many such as Christine Monga, a businesswoman in Buta, communication between Kinshasa, the capital, and other provincial cities is challenging with access to rural areas near impossible.
  • To address this situation, the International Development Association (IDA) is financing the Pro-Routes Project that has already rehabilitated over 2,400 kilometers of priority roads.

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