IFI Water Sector Fact Finding Mission

With pleasure we would like to tell you more about our upcoming mission: The Internationalwater_hero Financial Institutions (IFI) Water technology fact-finding mission to Washington D.C. 22-25 January 2024. This event is co-organized with the other private sector liaison officers of Austria, Germany, Spain, Canada, Switzerland and England.

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Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership: Five Years of Advancing a Water-Secure World for All


  • Over the past five years, climate considerations have become embedded in GWSP support, leading to a rising number of projects with climate co-benefits.
  • The World Bank Water Global Practice’s work in fragile, conflict and violence-affected areas has grown significantly, and Global Water Security and Sanitation Partnership now supports active engagement in 33 countries.
  • There is more social inclusion in the water sector. The average share of female engineers in 23 participating utilities in Ethiopia increased from 8 percent to 12 percent in just two years. Continue reading

Could investment in taps and toilets be the key to unlocking developing economies?

*This piece was originally published by the Financial Times as part of its Partner Content.wateraid-hero_pic

Investing in universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene could yield massive economic gains over the next two decades – but mobilizing finance is not easy

Global leaders seeking a way to rebuild battered economies could hold the key to prosperity in their bathrooms. Among the many infrastructure investments that could help create prosperity in the years to come, one of the most potent – and overlooked – is universal access to taps and toilets. Research by Vivid Economics for international NGO WaterAid has shown that each dollar invested in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) could generate up to a $21 return. The analysis showed that giving every home a toilet connected to a safely managed sewerage or off-mains system could generate $86bn in wealth a year.

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eC2: Support Private Sector Participation in LGUs Water Supply and Sanitation Systems

Deadline:  28-Sep-2020 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.) water

The objective of the assignment is to undertake the following: (i) support the province in preparation for the DBO/DBL through capacity building and perform collaborative activities with national government agencies through NEDA to ensure that WSS subprojects are in sync and within the implementation reforms that will be instituted under the currently approved PWSSMP, specifically the achievement on the KPIs and proper operationalization of the Unified Resource Allocation Framework (URAF); (ii) strengthen technical and economic analysis of the projects; (iii) assist in the market survey to ensure robust interests of the private sector; and (iv) support the preparation of an O&M plan .

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Doing More with Less – Smarter Subsidies for Water Supply and Sanitation

New World Bank research shows that governments across the world are pouring money Subsidies-780-439--1-into water and sanitation subsidies but all too often that funding doesn’t flow to those who need it most. However, subsidies can be powerful and progressive tools in delivering water and sanitation when they are designed in smart and targeted ways and implemented effectively.

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Deadline: 10-Mar-2020 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.) waterkraan-nieuws-header

The main objective of the assignment is to: Update and consolidate the Water Sector Strategic Development Plan, the National Environmental Sanitation Strategy and Action Plan and other relevant WASH plans and prepare a National WASH Program Document with indicative cost break down and implementation framework for i) rural WASH; ii) urban WASH; iii) institutional development, iv) M&E and v) funding. It is expected that a WASH sector Institutional review will be conducted with considerable overlapping and its findings will inform the WASH program development. This will suggest that the program will have several phases with the first phase focusing on issues requiring immediate attention and the subsequent phases addressing the suggestions from the institutional review.

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eC2: Improving access to sustainable water and sanitation services in rural areas of Punjab.

Deadline: 24-Feb-2020 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.) waterkraan-nieuws-header

The World Bank is assisting the government of Punjab in improving access to sustainable water and sanitation services in rural areas. The project will provide water and sanitation infrastructure as well as a range of behavior change interventions at the household and community levels. Assessment will be for 28-30 selected villages across project tehsil. Study villages will be provided to the firm. Study villages will be provided to the firm. Key areas of work of this assignment are:
1. Assess ground water availability and quality for domestic use, from a technical, cost effectiveness and resource sustainability perspective.
2. Examine shallow aquifer characteristics on canal banks to determine the reliability of canal water as a source of ground water recharge for water supply provision.
3. Advise on the minimum distance between adjacent tube wells on canal bank (for the pre-identified canals) and optimum rate of abstraction for resource sustainability.
4. Conduct a shallow groundwater salinity assessment
5. Conduct Water Quality testing
6. Feasibility study report capturing the various scenarios and technological options, and the preliminary cost estimates;
7. Preliminary designs of all the technological options for the selected villages detailing the technical requirements, and financial and economic analyses.

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