Netherlands for the World Bank

Your guide to the World Bank Group

Netherlands for the World Bank

‘Absolutely Unacceptable’ COVID-19 Vaccination Rates in Developing Countries | The Development Podcast

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“The situation that we see right now is absolutely unacceptable, because a large part of the world remains unvaccinated and this is a danger for all of us,” so warns Mamta Murthi, the World Bank’s Vice President for Human Development.

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Investments in human capital require bold financing actions for a resilient recovery

Inclusive investments in health, early childhood development, learning, and women’s economic 20033631845_d902e0cc95_cempowerment can contribute to an inclusive, resilient, and sustainable recovery.  This was the clear message, focusing on human capital, that the ministers of finance and planning of 81 Human Capital Project HCP countries sent at the last Ministerial Conclave.

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Putting biodiversity at the heart of IDA’s work

When people talk about biodiversity, it is often through the lens of conservation and theuntitled survival of animal and plant species. But the value drawn from a healthy biosphere is much more than that – it delivers a steady supply of food, water, jobs and livelihoods and helps to regulate climate.

Nature underpins all forms of life and economic activities, but this way of life is threatened on many fronts.  Our oceans are overfished and polluted with plastic; 1 million plant and animal species (out of 8 million) face extinction within decades, according to the latest scientific assessments, and deforestation and soil degradation have reached epic levels.

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eC2: NORTH AFRICA Program: Sustainable Blue Economy and Coastal Management for North Africa

Deadline: 23-Dec-2019 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)


understanding the political economy drivers and constraints that influence change and cooperation within the countries and regionally, to achieve sustainable blue economy practices and sound management of coastal areas in North Africa;
(iii) Map out challenges, opportunities and priority measures of intervention for sustainable coastal and blue economy practices with stakeholders including potential trade-offs and;
(iiii) Identify gaps in funding and potential interest for additional investments from donors and organizations in the sector.

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eC2: Advisory of Sustainable and Smart Cities Solutions in LAC

Deadline: 20-Jul-2019 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.) Smart-Cities-All-you-need-to-know

The objective of this consultancy is two-fold. Prepare a pre-feasibility study to explore electric bus and other technological solutions and alternatives for the cities of Cali, Colombia and San Jose, Costa Rica in order to reduce the GHG emission of the transport sector of the cities. In addition, assist the cities to implement EDGE certification pilots for sustainable buildings.

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Seychelles Launched Blue Bonds – What are Blue Bonds (FAQs)

What is a Blue Bond?

The blue bond is a debt instrument issued by governments, development banks or others


to raise capital from impact investors to finance marine and ocean-based projects that have positive environmental, economic and climate benefits. The blue bond is inspired by the green bond concept, which people are more familiar with.

Why did Seychelles decide to issue a Blue Bond?

Like many small island states, Seychelles’ economy is highly dependent on the ocean and on fisheries for food, nutrition and livelihoods; marine habitats, and other blue economy sectors such as tourism. After tourism, the fisheries sector is the country’s most important industry, contributing significantly to annual GDP and employing 17% of the population. Fish products make up around 95% of the total value of domestic exports.

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eC2: Ethiopia Green Industrialization Project

Deadline:  18-Oct-2018 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.) greencompetitiveness

Assignment Description: IFC is seeking a consulting firm in: (i) improving the regulatory and administrative framework for the management of environmental risks in the selected sectors in a way that will enhance the competitiveness of the industries; (ii) strengthening waste management systems including exploring opportunities for recycling and reuse; (iii) explore and develop opportunities for efficient use of resources; and (iv) build institutional capacity to implement, manage and regulate environmental sustainability systems (aligning with Eco-Industrial Park Framework).

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Toward Great Dhaka: Seize the golden opportunity

Had you looked across Shanghai’s Huangpu River from west to east in the 1980s, you bangladeshmapwould mostly have seen farmland dotted with a few scattered buildings. At the time, it was unimaginable that East Shanghai, or Pudong, would one day become a global financial centre; that its futuristic skyline, sleek expressways, and rapid trains would one day be showcased in blockbusters like James Bond and Mission Impossible movies! It was also unimaginable that the Shanghainese would consider living in Pudong.

How wrong that would have been! Pudong is now hosting some of the world’s most productive companies, and boosting some of the city’s most desirable neighbourhoods. And Shanghai has become China’s most important global city, lifting the entire hinterland with it.

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eC2: Identification and pre-feasibility of adaptation options for climate risk in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Deadline: 13-Aug-2018 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)

The overall objective of the consultancy is to perform an initial climate risk screening of AbidjanSibthe city, to select a sub-section of the coastal city of Abidjan to perform a comprehensive climate change risk analysis, within the target area of the City Integration Project. The result should lead to recommendation of detailed adaptation measures and to conduct pre-feasibility studies for the recommended measures. The results of the consultancy will provide required information to develop a full project document for the submission to the Green Climate Funds (GCF) for investment financing.

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