eC2: Improving Access to Water Supply, Energy and Irrigation in Rural Areas in Bolivia

Deadline: 12-Dec-2016 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)

A baseline study in a statistical sample of households in communities targeted under the

‘Improving Access to Water Supply, Energy and Irrigation in Rural Areas Project’ will be Water crisis:  Child sitting on cracked earth near drying watercarried out with funding provided by a WB Technical Assistance Programme, in selected communities and municipalities in the Departments of Chuquisaca, Potosi, Cochabamba and Oruro. The baseline data will provide inputs for the Project design, including the implementation strategy in its water supply, energy and irrigation components; and the design of the community development and behavior change activities. The study will also set a baseline to monitor the project results and adjust its design and implementation if needed.

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Bolivia: 350 Thousand Rural Inhabitants to Benefit from Direct Community Investments

This article originally appeared on the World Bank website. More information about the project can be found at the project website.

On August 4, the World Bank (WB) Board of Executive Directors approved US$60 million in additional financing to expand the successful implementation of the Community Investment in Rural Areas Project (PICAR). The additional financing will increase the number of beneficiaries from 150 thousand to 350 thousand, most of them indigenous, and almost half women, in La Paz, Oruro, Chuquisaca, Cochabamba and Pando departments.

Up until now, a good portion of the initiatives were focused on creating or improving drinking water and sewer infrastructure, irrigation and micro-irrigation canals, pedestrian and vehicular bridges, greenhouses and cattle enclosures, among others.

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Bolivia- Impact Evaluation of off-grid solar PV home system project – Global Status of Energy Access Report (SEAR)

The purpose of this consultancy is to carry out field surveys to collect household and village level data for an impact evaluation study of off-grid solar PV home system project in Bolivia. This project is one of the four energy projects selected for rigorous ex-post impact evaluation under the Global Status of Energy Access (SEAR) activities. Documenting the impact of energy access programs is an important component of SEAR. Lessons learned and knowledge gathered from this evaluation are expected to help future policies and investments. The study is being carried out by ESMAP of the World Bank.

See full tender here: #1191110 Bolivia- Impact Evaluation of off-grid solar PV home system project – Global Status of Energy

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