State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2024: Positive progress on carbon pricing, but more is needed


Carbon pricing can be one of the most powerful tools available to policymakers to incentivize reducing emissions as part of an integrated policy mix. A decade ago, carbon pricing policies covered only 7% of global emissions. Today, nearly a quarter are covered by these instruments.

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IFC to Help Financial Institutions Support Small Businesses Through New Global MSME Financing Platform

Washington D.C., May 28, 2024—IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, today launched a new initiative to help financial service providers deliver funds to small businesses in emerging markets, especially those owned by women and those focused on agriculture and climate.

The MSME Finance Platform (the Platform) will include a financing package of up to $4 billion from IFC’s own account to banks, non-bank financial institutions, microfinance institutions, and innovative digital lenders that focus on micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). It will be available to both new and existing IFC clients.

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Becoming a Knowledge Bank – Delivering solutions at impact and scale

As part of our efforts to become a better Bank, one that’s fit for purpose to meet the needs of the countries we support and to end poverty on a livable planet, the World Bank is transforming its approach to knowledge. We’re putting the client, those living in developing countries, at the heart of our knowledge work.

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IDA’s Role in an Increasingly Complex Global Aid Architecture


  • Global aid architecture has transformed significantly in the last two decades, with Official Financial Flows (OFF) increasing and benefiting low-income countries.
  • However, this led to a complex and fragmented aid architecture and fewer concessional resources. Multiple donors and channels create obstacles for low-income countries with weak implementation capacity.
  • IDA is the partner of choice to tackle challenges caused by complex aid architecture. Its global presence and ability to convene stakeholders facilitate better coordination among various efforts.
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Collaboration between the Netherlands and Ivory Coast on Coastal Protection

The governments of Ivory Coast and the Netherlands, represented by Ivory Coast officials, Invest International, and the Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Liesje Schreinemacher, have initiated a project to strengthen the coastline near Abidjan. The collaboration aims to protect Ivory Coast’s coastline from flooding and erosion using sustainable, nature based solutions. To begin, a feasibility study funded by a one million euros investment will assess the best methods for coastal reinforcement. The subsequent implementation phase, anticipated to cost millions of euros, will safeguard Ivory Coast’s coastal regions and creates substantial opportunities for Dutch companies.

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Visit the Work with USAID’s YouTube Channel
Have you taken a look at Work with USAID’s YouTube channel recently? This is a great resource to help you navigate partnering with USAID. The YouTube channel contains playlists where you can find videos specific to your needs. “Resources on” holds demo videos to help you explore the platform. You can also view recordings of webinars like the Business Forecast and Partner Updates webinars to better understand the Agency’s priorities and the How to Work with USAID 101 webinars to learn how USAID approaches funding. Also, check out our video resources in French, Arabic, and Spanish!

Despite High Potential, 75 Vulnerable Economies Face ‘Historic Reversal’

In Half of IDA Countries, Income Gap with Wealthiest Economies is Widening

WASHINGTON, April 15, 2024Despite their high potential to advance global prosperity, one-half of the world’s 75 most vulnerable countries are facing a widening income gap with the wealthiest economies for the first time in this century, a new World Bank report has found. Taking full advantage of their younger populations, their rich natural resources, and their abundant solar-energy potential can help them overcome the setback.

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Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System

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Recipe for a Livable Planet is the first comprehensive global roadmap for mitigating the agrifood system’s contributions to climate change. It shows how the agriculture system that produces the world’s food can cut greenhouse gas emissions while continuing to feed the world.

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The world cannot afford to ignore the poorest countries

They are home to a quarter of humanity—1.9 billion people. They possess prized naturalida-poverty-1440x500_1140x500 resources, including one-fifth of the world’s copper and gold reserves, as well as many of the rare metals essential for the transition to clean energy. Their working-age populations are set to expand for the next five decades amid demographic decline nearly everywhere else. Yet a historic reversal is underway among the world’s 75 countries eligible for grants and low-interest loans from the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA).

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