Recap of the Annual Meetings 2017

The Annual Meetings 2017 organized by the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have come to an end. Last week, more than 13.000 people from 180 different countries, including their Board of Governs, spoke about different topics varied from agriculture, to human capital, infrastructure and economic growth. Below you will find a daily  recap of the Annual Meetings 2017, which include a certain topic in the sense of a interview, panel discussion, speech or experts Q&A session.

Human capital summit

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Participate seminars of the Annual Meetings 2017 through WorldBank Live

The Annual Meetings of 2017 are currently in full swing with a lot of bilateral conversations between Board of Governs of the 180 attending countries. Besides this, there are every day various seminars which are also available for the public around the globe through ”WorldBank Live”. Below you will find more information about the three seminars of today. In case you have any questions, you are able to submit them online before the event.


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Annual Meetings 2017: join the World Bank Live!

Next week, the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) take place from upcoming October 10 to October 14  in Washington DC. During this meetings the Board of Governs of the attentive organizations will debate in the field of topics associated with poverty reduction, international economic development and finance.


In order to make these meetings accessible for the wide audience, World bank Live will daily stream several events in different languages such as English, Spanish, French and Arabic.  The subjects of the Flagship events of the Annual Meetings vary from Human Capital Summit to digital economy and education. If you are interested within accompany the dialogues through the broadcast of Worldbank live, check out the whole program here and join the World Bank’s Live online event. You are also able to submit questions before the events. Below you will find a short selection of these upcoming events concurrently with the Annual Meetings 2017.

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