eC2: Circular Economy and Private Sector Development

Deadline: 26-Jun-2019 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)

This firm consultancy will explore how circular economy (CE) approaches, specificallyindex among poor people and communities can achieve outcomes that promote poverty reduction, enhanced welfare and create new and expanded employment opportunities. The final output would cover, the potential role of CE in development; case studies and assessment of market potential; different policy approaches for scaling CE, and; recommendations to governments. The consultancy will be based on desk review, economic modeling and detailed case studies that will be selected collaboratively. This EOI was tender for a smaller amount and is now being retendered with an updated amount and TOR.

See full tender here: Circular Economy and Private Sector Development

eConsultant2 website:

Tender notification: # 1263284

Assignment Countries:

  • No Countries Assigned