eC2:  Preparation studies for Environmental and Social Framework Documents for proposed World Bank financed Solid Waste and Plastic Management Improvement in Cambodia.

Deadline:  27-Oct-2020 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.) solid waste

For preparation support for the proposed World Bank financed Solid Waste and Plastics Improvement Project, consultants will conduct:
(i) an Environmental and Social Management Framework -ESMF-;
(ii) an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment -ESIA- for proposed Solid Waste Investments, including landfill in Siem Reap and
(ii) ESIA for Solid Waste Investments for second secondary municipality in Cambodia and (iii) Stakeholder Engagement Plan for the entire Project.

The projects Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), will include:
a. Labor Management Procedures (LMP) and Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines for the Waste Management Facilities,
b. Community Health and Safety Plan (CHSP),
c. Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF),
d. Livelihood Restoration Framework (LRF), and
e. Indigenous Peoples Development Framework (IPDF).

See full tender here: Preparation studies for Environmental and Social Framework Documents for proposed World Bank financed Solid Waste and Plastic Management Improvement in Cambodia.

eConsultant2 website:

Tender notification: # 1270654

Assignment Countries:

KH – Cambodia